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A lot of ABers seem to be strongly anti EC. What would be the advantages, and disadvantages,...

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sandyRoe | 18:01 Thu 14th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
if the UK left it?


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no more cheap Ukrainian workmen.

Not sure if this is a plus or a minus
I really can't be bothered being specific, but I just think the disadvantages outweigh any advantages and have done so for years.
a big advantage to me would be we wouldn't have silly laws as Governed by Brussels, we would be in charge of our own destiny
In this day and age, we need to be in trading blocks as to minimising taxes and tariffs that would apply if we were on the outside..... also, in this day and age there are synergies as to sharing certain institutions - e.g. crime, borders, whatever, energy reserves, etc

My point is we couldn't "afford" to go it alone - however I would love to see the "economics" of going with NAFTA (North American Free Trade Assoc) viz. being in the EU.

I did ask George Young when he was standing on my doorstep canvassing a number of years back that very question and he couldn't answer it, despite his role in Trade.

I still think it needs answering though - good stuff for any budding economics student reading this thread perhaps.....
I'm sure it will collapse and just now only the vanity of the twits in Brussels and the French & German leaders is keeping it going by propping up the collapsing countries.
A couple of advantages would be proper border controls and a government elected by the British for the British.
I don't know much about the whys or wherefores of leaving the EU. Except that we are paying a lot of money to be told what to do by a bunch of foreigners. We have now lost most of our industries to bargain with, tailoring, textiles/cloth, iron, steel, coal the farming and the fishing industry has either disappeared or have all been phased out. We have nothing left to bargain with, we are now almost bereft of skilled workmen to rebuild our self sufficiency. All we seem to thrive on now is fancyful trades, cooking and hairdressing seem to be prevalent. We were the envy of the world for our legal institution our schooling and military training. All this has been eroded imho.
Omg the johnny foreigner stuff.Yes britain was great when we were pilaging the world and stealing other countries resources and enslaving countries. Perhaps now its retribution for the sins of our grandfathers?As for the EU ( not ec) We are better inside than out , simple as that.

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