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songs with mothers name in title

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slinky.kate | 23:55 Fri 15th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
my lovely mum'proud mary'


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for your mum xxx
mama mia
My mother absolutely HATED her name, but what the heck . . .
lying in the arms of mary,/ for it was mary, mary, long before the fashions came,/mary had a little lamb
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thank you mamya(nice)
the only one I could think of :)
My old mums name was Kathleen fondly known as KAFF/
Jem, here's another for your mum then (no video I'm afraid, but an excellent song)
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K K K Katie, beautiful Katie.Youre the only G G G Girl that I adore.
When the M M M Moon shines over the cowshed
Ill be waiting at the K K K Kitchen door.
My mum still knows this song and she is 93 with severe dementia, my dad used to sing it to her.
Elizabeth I love you (Michael Jackson)
pictures of lily, the who
wind cries mary by jimi
My Mam Nora....not a day goes by............
Songs my Mother taught me!
this is it
Annie's song by John Denver. My Mum's name was Annie.

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songs with mothers name in title

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