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TWR | 16:34 Sun 17th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Has the weather today Izzed you off? have you done what you set out to do, or have you sat at home watching the box?


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I did exactly what I intended to do today, sit at home watching the Motogp and the Tour De France on the box.
Was staying in anyway to watch the golf, plus I'm starting nights later for one week so will be having a nap before I start my shift so the weather made no impacy on my plans.o will be having a nap before I start my shift so the weather made no impacy on my plans.
Went out, was going to go on somewhere else but weather was poop ... so.. tele/laptop/order in!
Apologies for the gobbledygook in my post, still having problems when posting from phone, won't have my broadband installed for another 10 days!
I did exactly what I intended to do, and that was to dismantle a large wooden garage, not finished yet but I got as far as I expected.
Pretty much, yes. Cleaned parrot cages, hedgehog boxes, hoovered the bungalow right through and tackled a pile of ironing.

I like to live life on the edge. :o)
sorry I didn't see this before posting mine
yes it has, bloody lovely now out there, the world is upside down!
I always get out for some fresh air and headed into town in the hope it'd either stop or I could hide in a sheltered bit and still sit outside with a coffee. I lasted about 10 minutes haha. Ended up having a wander round town, getting some food shopping then heading home.
I hate the weather, its warm and wet :(
Watched the golf
Didn't positive weather solutions say that the end of july and all august would be really hot? Still hope for summer yet!
^ God i hope so, camping in cornwall in August!
I got izzed off when I got izzed on, bringing in the delivery at work. Got my hands on the last few crates and there was a flash of lightning and an almighty clap of thunder. As I sit here watching Top Gear, it's izzing down again.

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