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How much would it cost to spand a 5 week recuperation period at Champneys, Tring?

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sandyRoe | 08:29 Mon 18th Jul 2011 | News
10 Answers
Do many police officers go there?


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depends who you are and when you go I would imagine. Are you looking for some great fraud on the public purse or just on the witchunt bandwagon?
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If a senior officer accepted such lavish hospitality he might later find himself thought to be in someones pocket. I'm sure he'll show that he paid for it himself and that his integrity remains intact.
but why resign if that is the case.
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Why, indeed...
his wife was also there apparently
Yes but I cannot believe he would be so stupid
How on earth do these people get in these positions?
This is common practice at any senior level in all organisations. So the shareholders or the taxpayers are actually paying the bill. It comes under expenses . Same as politicians at all levels can go junketing around the world.
All quite legal and justifiable as they would say.
£12,000, apparently. But if you go there you get to rub shoulders with a lot of News International staffers also accepting freebies then plugging it in their papers.
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I am often amazed as to why public servants on whopping salaries need to take advantage of freebies.
As chief of the Met I am perplexed that Paul Stephenson did so. He showed a shocking lack of judgement, even worse than not re-opening the hacking probe when given ample opportunity to do so.
I'm sure either the public enquiry or select committee will find whether the two are in some way connected.

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How much would it cost to spand a 5 week recuperation period at Champneys, Tring?

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