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Oh for flip's sake

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sherrardk | 21:30 Thu 21st Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Just looked at the weather for Lanzarote and it's forecast rain for the next seven days - rain, in July, when the average rainfall in July for Lanzarote is 0mm!!!!!


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but it may just mean a slight shower at 5am or something. Dont fret, sherrard, youll have a great time just being away from work / home etc x
Sher... my colleague came back two weeks ago, and it was warm but cloudy most of the time. Warmer than here though!
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It had better be warmer than here - nearly put the central heating on yesterday.
I shall keep my fingers crossed that your have clear blue skies with lots of sunshire
hope you have a good holiday Sherrardk regardless of the weather..take yourself off on the coach tour of the wine region you get to do a bt of tasting/sampling well it is rude to spit it out.....
Take the littles up the mountain, whatever you do - let them see the geysers of hot steam, it's a brilliant natural phenomenon.
and the cave with the little white crabs.....
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Thanks all - like the geyser idea and the caves with the little crabs, they will all love that (don't think the kids would get much out of a wine tasting trip though).
im sat here in lanz now at 12.15am in a vest and shorts, has been cloudy last couple of days (however you still get sunburnt, be warned) but got hot later on today and i dont see any rain forecast here on news it will be lovely i´m sure, have fun x
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Thank you all but especially Lanzrose for the good weather news.
Er, which forecast are you checking, Sherrardk?

Here's the BBC forecast for Lanzarote:®ion=world

This is actually for Tenerife (but that should be close enough) but it's sourced from the Spanish equivalent of our Met Office (who ought to know about the weather in the Canary Islands!)
>>>"don't think the kids would get much out of a wine tasting trip though"

Except, possibly, for a mother in a VERY 'mellow' mood!
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Oh for flip's sake

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