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the new dragon from dragons den

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hollie1586 | 01:25 Fri 22nd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
dont you think she looks like Angelica Houston without the mask when she was in The Witches?!?!


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Not impressed looks like denise from eastenders after a car crash.
she looks very scarey to me!!
Not wanting to be harsh but she has a face like melted wellington boot. Hideous woman in my opinion.
I think she is absolute proof that money doesn't buy taste or style, those padded shoulders are shocking!
Not sure what she's like as a person as I obviously don't know her, but did see her on Secret Millionaire and she 'seemed' very genuine. She had a stroke after some surgery so maybe that's why she looks a little lop sided but I guess she can't help that.

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the new dragon from dragons den

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