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Kate beheaded already

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Hopkirk | 09:36 Fri 22nd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Is this really the best way to display the dress?


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I believe her modelling fees are quite high
She'd get awful tired standing still for hours on end whilst people file passed...
i think a picture of pippas bum beside it would have helped.
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Couldn't they at least have a blobby head?
Blobby heads can be just as distracting as invisible heads...
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They have cut her hands off aswell!
No head, no hands. But hey, they've left the boobs!
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There weren't much of those - too much pre wedding dieting.
Well she can't stand there like a Madame Tussauds exhibit, poor Kate, hope William is a better hubby than his old man
I can see a ghostly face!
The Queen took one look at the display and said "It's horrible! horrible!" They'll be up all night altering it now I suppose.
Imagine it drifting down a long dark corridor after you....
I agree with the Queen,it IS freaks me out!
Awww mosaic, I'll not sleep tonight now! :(
that's rather ominous.

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Kate beheaded already

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