1. Allegations that several senior police within the Met were corrupt - benefits in kind, cash, jobs. Cozy relationship with a revolving door between NI and the Met.The resignations of 2 extremely senior police officers.
2. Allegations of illegal activity, with voice intercepts and meddling with left messages, giving false hope to a grieving family and impeding an ongoing murder investigation by NI journalists.
3. Journalists alleged to have practiced such illegal acts, and having business dealings with the criminal underclass accepted first into the circle of influence of the Tory party and latterly the influence of the Prime Minister.
4.Allegations of illegal activity on an industrial scale being levelled against a highly influential multinational with aspirations to obtains still greater control of the media agenda.Allegations of misleading and lying to parliament by the chief executive, by 2 former high level colleagues. The arrest and questioning of 10 or so NI editors / journalists over the allegations of voice intercepts, when for years, NI peddled the line that it was a lone "rogue reporter".
5.A high profile newspaper, the most widely read in the UK, sacrificed, along with the jobs of 200 or so individuals, in order to protect one person.
6. The sight of one of the most influential media barons in modern times, Rupert Murdoch, being humbled by the very people he has held in thrall for decades. The sight of senior NI executives, who, by denying any knowledge of these activities, have shown themselves to be either liars or incompetents - or both.
Can you just point out to me which part of these stories are minor? Which of these allegations are just trivial things being kept alive by discredited MPs?
There are some hugely newsworthy stories out there, but I dont feel they have been especially neglected as a consequence of the coverage of this story - just need to read around a bit...