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Wednesday Already

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ttfn | 22:26 Wed 27th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
to where does the time fly? Have already seen Christmas ads on tv - thudddddd. I fear (yet) another sign of ageing :(


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I do have big hands, 'tis true Jan, but have never heard of them before. If they don't stock them over the road between the Courvoiser and the cigs then I probably wouldn't notice them!
They are teeny tiny, aren't they and pricey too!
Yes mamya, only ordered a couple because they were half price. Definitely wouldn't buy them again.
Usually a dessert for two is consumed by me hahaha or a massive bag of crisps lol mmmm i could munch right now xxx
i fancy strawberry pavlova !!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry not be sharing :(
Oh bugger, I may just have to go for the chipstix now, but first I am going to have a port and brandy.
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Port AND brandy ~~~ thudddddddddddddddddddd
Oh ok, as it is you Jan lol xxx
Thanks ttfn. :-)
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Any time Jan ☺
Oh Bill used to love a port and brandy, said it was medicinal lol
Together? Lol. Salt n vineger chipsticks jan? Mmmm. I have thai sweet chillie sensations mmmm! Im so hungry :0( may have some cereal x
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Bill may well have done, Mamya but I am supposed to lower my hypertension ;) xx
Somebody gave it to me in the pub when I had a dicky tummy and it worked so trying it again tonight. It's only tesco value brandy and ruby port so not worth getting worked up about but does seem to settle my tum. Well, I might need another one to see if it's working.
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Atta girl Jan, I believe you ... lol. Nothing worse than a dicky tummy :)
or a tricky dummy !!!!!!!!!!!

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