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is there a good website for urban myths?

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piggynose | 09:19 Wed 27th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I´m sure i´ve googled this several times and found nothing.


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is there an english alternative to the american snopes i wonder?
not that I know of. What are you looking for, one like snopes that analyses them or just one that lists them? Snopes isn't just urban legends, it investigates all the nonsense emails that circle the globe; but it's fairly international in scope.
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sorry to sound rude but i would prefer to read urban myths in english not in american. I just couldnt continue reading as the american vocab was a little irritating to say the least. the website doesn't look much, but I've used it loads of times to de-bunk some of those ridiculous emails you get from people claiming to warn you about a serial killer who dresses up as an old woman and asks for your help in shopping centre car parks! ;-)
piggy do you mean a snopes type site or a site about urban myths and legends like the chupacabra thingy? theres a brill site with a great forum on with all sorts of stuff like that.....
I find a lot of the urban myths in emails etc originate from the States anyway.
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Safiya, whats the site called ?

De-bunks and explains many Urban Myths.......alongside much other weirdness :o)
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sorry safiya, its too yanky for me.
thanx all the same though.

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is there a good website for urban myths?

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