OK,so this guy i grew up with and we've both liked each other since we were kids,yesterday at mid nite he im me on Facebook and gave me his number,this is what he said:here's my number if u ever wanna text me k :) so we exchanged numbers,i was just wondering how soon is it ok to text him,i don't want him to think i don't care but then again i don't wanna come off as desperate and jump on it right away,so how soon should i text him??
That's true he could've just been doing something else while he was logged on and forgot,I do the same thing too sometimes,i'm going to just wait awhile and try to text him,it just worries me cause i keep seeing this one girl write on his wall she's not his girlfriend but it seems to me that she likes him,i just don't want any problems with her.
I'll text him soon,I'm just kinda annoyed right now because i seen her comment on his wall saying my ryannnn!!!!!! :)) then he commented back saying that he loved her and she said it back,i just dont understand why when he starts showing interest in me again some girl enters the picture,it just really bothers me because we've liked each other since we were kids and were always to shy to say anything and now when he tries some girl has to step in the way and block me
They may just be good pals though star - until he tells you they are an item then you have nothing to feel threatened about as far as she is concerned. Ignore her posts to him and concentrate on what you do or do not have going with him.