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have they found madeleine mcann???

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stokemaveric | 12:06 Thu 28th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
106 Answers
they have taken d.n.a samples from a little girl in india..british and american tourist alerted the police and are convinced it is the missing girl..lets hope so..


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Oooo! anne its a long story, but to cut it short I was never able to bond very well with my mother, I was bullied at school because I spoke like a country bumkin, & my confidence was shattered, leaving me a shy, withdrawn child.
I have written my story for my grandchildren to read when I am gone.

i dont think we will ever know " the truth " of what happened that night, but as usual this is always a very emotive subject, i think we all have our theories
Yes, we can all put our three-penneth in but its always going to be a mystery, Lets hope when she's older Maddy herself will realise who she really is and solve the mystery for us.

Stokemaveric said he wishes he never brought the subject up. - So lets put it to bed for him.

Maybe jem, you should think of publishing it. Your experience sounds very interesting. I love reading real-life accounts of what it was like during the war.
i agree rodge, id love to hear jem^s " war " experiences .
Or you could publish excerpts here on AB, jem. I bet you'd have loads of people hanging on your every word and rushing home to read the next instalment. One very clear memory I have of my childhood was sitting down to watch Carrie's War after school. Fab.

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have they found madeleine mcann???

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