Hammerman, I think your wife needs to grit her teeth and do just that - speak to her employer about the improvements and the developments in her own skills, and ask when it's going to reflect in her pay. The independent sector doesn't follow pay scales such as in the NHS, it's like GP-land, people are paid what the employer will pay, and £19K doesn't sound a lot for the responsibilities she now has. Is she in touch with other care home managers, where she could do a straw poll and ask what they are paid? If she is good and successful as you say, she could be in demand if vacancies for home managers arrive in another location, which could be the stick her employer needs to offer her a pay rise. IMO she could ask that a rise could be implemented once she gets her qualification - that would be a good time for a pay rise, once she's passed that award. There would seem to me to be no reason why she shouldn't be on the same pay as the previous manager - unless of course the employer can no longer afford that amount.