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How crop circles are made

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wolf63 | 11:30 Tue 02nd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
This makes me smile - my two little ones were stoned on catnip last week and were totally chilled.


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the comments below are fantastic as well

murph doesn;t like catnip, or it does nothing for her she just ignores it
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I am 'supposed' to be rushing to get out by 12 so I will read the comments when I get back.

Merlin is stupid and she rolls in the catnip - Frankie just eats it. Have you had Murphy since she was a baby?
no she was foisted on me when my friend decided to go traveling, that was about 9 years ago, can;t get rid of her now
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fluffy and murphy - two girls on the prowl ?! She is a beautiful moggie.

redhelen - Merlin has huge eyes at the best of times but when she is on the old cat drug her pupils are enormous. She is even nice to her brother when she is stoned. Frankie is pretty laid back all the time - but he likes eating the cat nip. Not sure if he is supposed to eat it though.
toms and she's seem to behave differently around it...all my girls rolled in it the boys all ate it... same effect cat very happy...keels over...sleeps a bit then has hangover and munchies

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How crop circles are made

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