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Long nails on guys

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tinkerbell23 | 15:19 Tue 02nd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Are so wrong in my opinion! Man on tv needs nail clippers PRONTO! I really hate it. Have a friend- he has a long thumbnail to play his guitar. Still hate it!!! Sorry i just do!!!!

Dont even start me on long toenails!!!!!!


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If they have a bit of dirt under aswell BOAK!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha paul
Sounds like me!!!!!!!! I love all the candy colours x
LL, I agree with you, I cannot abide having my fingernails painted - even clear varnish is a no no. I do paint my nails in the summer if I am wearing sandals, but otherwise don't bother - even then, it is generally a pale shade like peach or something. Also can't abide those nails that bend over at the end of the fingers. Eughhh!
Tut tut, such sexism on the AB. What is the world coming to ?
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I hate bendy over nails too annie on ladies!!

Ooh sorry old geezer LOL feel free to slate ladies haha!

We have said about ladies nails too! ;0)
At least with long nails people couldn't pick their noses. Every cloud has a silver lining
bendy over nails - ladies or guys eeughhhh (see, not sexist!!)
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Bendy over nails??
I hate to see those fake french nails with a bright white along the end, CHEAP!!!!!
Me too Ratter. Long nails which are squared off and white at the ends. Essex nails!!
Well I completely agree with you. To me men with long nails are committing a crime and they must be sent to jail immediately. I don't know how their parents allow them to live at their home with long nails.

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Long nails on guys

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