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Who/What is considered attractive in our culture?

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ellebelle94 | 14:02 Tue 02nd Aug 2011 | Society & Culture
4 Answers
Sorry about all the questions guys, but the work I am doing has to be discussed and I have no one to discuss with!...

Think about what/who is considered attractive in our culture. How is this 'ideal' different in other cultures, or different from the past?

Thanks :) x


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I guess my ideal woman would fit with a historical ideal - curvy, gorgeous, well turned out, gorgeous, fit, gorgeous... it's Nigella for me.
Audrey Hepburn for me - even in her 60's she looked gorgeous
The most important factor right across all cultures is physical symmetry. Even unusual features work if they are symmetrical.
'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' I have known people who are quite plain,& in some instances ugly looking, but under the skin beautiful people.Open your eyes.

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Who/What is considered attractive in our culture?

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