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Your Ex's stuff..

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supersuezy24 | 14:45 Fri 05th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I was going through dvds the other day looking for a movie to watch and came across dvds that belonged to my ex and it made me wonder what stuff people may have belonging to an ex boyfriend or girlfriend that you may have forgot to return to them or did you give them all back to him/her when things finished?

Also found a computer game too..he mustn't be missing them, either that or he hasn't remembered them..


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An ex of mine has hundreds of books of mine, a decent set of saucepans and my cat (couldn't take him with me). It was a small price to pay. I don't keep stuff of exes, not even photos, deliberately.
Thankfully I have nothing at all belonging to my Ex, the less I remember of that Chapter of my life the better
I wouldn't even know who they belong to so they automatically become mine!!
My last ex left a few things behind when he chose to leave and for months I clung to them as I thought it meant he intended to come back. Totally pathetic!
So what do you do if that ex is a person whom you have lived with for almost 5 years now????? and you shared and bought everything together, starting by the apartment you live in, till the very last thing like...cups and plates !!!!!!!!!!!!
Have anyone tried giving up basically........everything?
That's not what the OP is talking about though Joe....!!
Thank you for your sympathy Ummmmmm ...
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You didn't say you wanted sympathy Joe. Give me a hint next time...
yeah i have, i moved out taking my clothes and books, left everything else and started again
I have a collection of 'toys' that were left when one my ex's left in a hurry.
I've got tons of stuff that me and my ex bought together (we were together for years and years) and also stuff that was soley hers, and when she left she pretty much took nothing with ehr so it's all still here more or less.
1.He kept everything (but paid me for it)
2. I kept everything (without payment)
I've still got the bitter after taste that my ex left behind arter she sowered the relationship!
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I have a couple of little beanbag things though he gave them to me - they are now the property of the cat.

We lived together for a while after we split up and he had said I could use a large cube storage thing of his when I moved into my new flat (he was seeing someone else). One evening he came in and started dismantling it with a friend then disappeared. I was a little non-plussed (needed the storage space) but not me to be funny about it so didn't say a word. He reappeared later in foul mood and would never say what was up. Apparently he didn't pay for parking while sticking it in his friend's flat and got a rather large fine, more than the thing was worth in the first place! Oops!
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Hi everyone, my internet died on me earlier.

I told my brother I would give the dvds and computer game to his cousin to give back to him..My brother told me to hold on till he played the computer game haha.

Another ex has 3 of my U2 cds, one of which was a special edition which is no longer sold anymore, asked him for them back several times but the tight fisted stinge bag won't return them...he always was a stingy pr!ck! haha

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