While doing some lifting I hit the top of my wrist quite hard .The pain was quite severe but only last say 30 seconds ..After a few days bruise appears .So I toddles of to A&E got it xrayed .Nothing broke .I do not have pain moving wrist but the fleshy part of the thumb is numb and when I do touch the area which got hurt its quite panful.Now as I type this just wee seconds of numbness comes in to arm like as if the blood supply was being cut of its like that sensation a coldness. Any idea
The median nerve enters the hand and supplies sensation to various digits, one of which is the thumb. The injury traumatised a branch of that nerve to the thumb and it is now recovering (neuropraxia)
Getting no better but more sore .Hit it today very painful .Thumb feels cold and when stretch arm its quite .End of moan but wondering should I go back to docs