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Citroen Xsara Picasso (2006) 1598 Petrol

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mayennaise | 18:20 Wed 10th Aug 2011 | Cars
4 Answers
Rad fan keeps coming on after engine idling for short time but temp gauge is showing normal - why?


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The fan usually comes on to keep the temperature "normal".
Make sure water level correct ...
Some fans run with A/C engaged. Check this.
As douglas said ^^^^ it needs the fan to maintain the normal temperature as there is no air passing over the engine to keep the engine cool at idle and stationary.
The ECU on this car controls the rad fan(s)
The ECU senses the temp output from the thermal sensor in the cyl. head.
If the ambient temperature is over a preset amount, and the A/C is on, the fans will run.
If the ECU senses a rise in coolant temp to approx 90degC, the fans will run

Right .. that's that one cleared up.

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Citroen Xsara Picasso (2006) 1598 Petrol

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