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What was the next line?

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queencharlotte | 21:29 Thu 11th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
There was a young lady from Ealing


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Mustard sheep....lame ...try these

Quite close DT, except that there are 5 lines in a limerick and not 4.
I must give you top marks for Dallas, for that indeed is the last word of the rhyme.
There was a young lady called Alice,
Used a dynamite stick as a phallus,
Her breasts flew away to distant Venus
Her anus to Pun-ta Arenus
and the rest just landed in Dallas.
does that work
the sheep needs a hair cut.....cute though
It doesn't scan properly.

Di dah diddy dah diddy dah dah
di dah diddy dah diddy dah dah
di dah diddy dah
di dah diddy dah
di dah diddy dah diddy dah dah
Not quite, but have a star for endeavour. As it's nearly my bedtime I shall publish the solution, but please don't report me.

There was a young lady called Alice,
Used a dynamite stick as a phallus,
They found her vagina
In North Carolina,
And bits of her t*ts down in Dallas.
agree milady, it has to scan, or it's not a limerick ;-)
well night all and see if we are all banned by the morning!
Judging by m'lady's latest post, DT is not the only one tonight to have been near the bottle.
I must go too, I said goodnight two hours ago!!
Night all who are off to bed.

I think it has to scan...also prefer the dah diddy of the last line to rhyme with the final dah dah...but that's just me being a bit picky now.
Might have been, Mike 1111, might have been.
I'm allowed. No work to go to .
Goodnight m'lady. I promise not to post your ramblings on the next opening of the MOFC. Even us peasants have a moral code.
You're a pal, Mike.

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