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Carol Anne | 16:20 Mon 24th Oct 2005 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
are they set to become extinct in the near future?


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There's a rumour that bananas are succumbing to a type of pest or disease...i can't remember which.
But varieties are currently being grown and developed which are resistant.
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Thank goodness for that!
Thank goodness, Carol Anne - I thought I was the only one on the planet who doesn't care for bananas!
Oops - just realised I'd misinterpreted your response - sorry! So maybe I AM the only non-banana-lover in the world...........
Question Author
NO  no  I love bananas !!
Have they lost their a-peel.........?
Narolines you are not the only one who doesn't care for them, we cam start our own banana hater club :)

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