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back off my hols so lets get back to business..4 horses for the day...hope you are all well

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stokemaveric | 11:07 Sun 14th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
calm bay..14.35..dundalk
fire fighter..15.00.. pontefract


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Morning Stokey, always good to see a friendly face on here
Hope your holiday went well
Hallo stoke - you have been warmly missed, people have been asking after you and mrsm over this weekend. Did you both have an enjoyable time?
Morning Dave and MrsM
Q - do you go donkey riding on the sands on hols? ;)
Hope yopu had a great time and nice to see you back in the saddle.
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hi bobbi thank you x..hi boxtops,we had a great time thank you plenty of booze and wine and cliff walking [not in that order may i add lol]..thank you both for the warm welcome back xx
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morning ttfn xx no i didnt do any donkey riding i had far to much of the amber nectar for that lol...
Welcome home Stokie and thanks for todays tips. I didn't do very well yesterday with my own selections for Newmarket and Newbury, maybe I'll
have more luck at Ponte.

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back off my hols so lets get back to business..4 horses for the day...hope you are all well

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