I think all wasp nests should be destroyed. I don't know it they do any good in nature, they seem bad tempered horrible creatures, who yesterday killed an elderly woman. If the continental ones ever get a grip over here then we will be in trouble as they are much larger and sting something terrible. I was at Dulwich park in London last week, and at the swing park there was a 2 year lad old near me, ( I was watching my 2 year old Grandaughter) when a wasp landed on the little lads lip, time to panic. what do you do?? grab Him and try to get the wasp out of His mouth or what? what would His parent/nanny think?? luckily, decision not needed, it flew off and He was not in the slightest bit concerned. But, what a dillema it could have been. August is wasp month, so hopefully they will be gone soon. Hope your lad is well again,