Question Author
This morning I've had several more spam emails in my spam box.
I've also had this one and I'm wondering whether it's genuine?
United Nation Office 760 United Nations Plaza,
Manhattan, NY, United State .
Our Ref: U.N/WBO/042SWISS/2011
Attn: Beneficiary
This is to notify you that your over due inheritance claim is ready to be released to you of which We are very sorry as We are not supposed to get to you via e-mail but due to time factor, We know It's very certain that this e-mail will get to you as a big surprise but do not worry , I am quite convinced that you have received dozens of such e-mail in the past which you have classified as one of those fraudulent e-mails that you receive from different people in the time past.
Well this is the United Nation in conjunction with the World Bank Organization and The United State Government.
Now you are warned to stop any communication as a contractor/ inheritance/lottery winners with any office or government agent no matter whatever name, office or position he/she might claim to be or represent and strictly adhere to these directives.
Based on the recent economic crunch that is hitting the global century we have decided to embark on the way out to save our sinking nation in the little way we can, as well as to save our economy mess to help bring more funds to our great country as to have good circulation of funds in other to help our BANKS.
In recent research we found out that you have an on claimed contract/inheritance payment with the British Government that has been due for payment for long ago, after series of consultation with their Ministry Of Finance (M F) we where told that you have made several attempts to claim this fund through their apex bank but all to no avail but I have a good NEWS for You.
After long tech-ate c the Ministry has agreed to pay you 10% of your funds which is the total of $10 Million through their reserve bank in London. We were also made to understand that a lady with name Mrs. Janet Howells from OHIO has already contacted them and also presented to them all the necessary documentations evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally by you prior to the release of your fund valued at about US$10,000,000.00 (Ten million united states dollars), but the HSBC London office did the wise thing by insisting on hearing from you personally before they go ahead on wiring your fund to the Bank information which was forwarded to them by the above named Lady.
So, that was the main reason why they contacted us so as to assist them in making the investigations.
So at this junction, you are advice to contact the said bank immediately you receive this mail. The British Government said this is the little way they could only support the United Nation/ World Bank Organization to achieve this goal to stop the Economic Problem by all of us saying yes we can. Below is the contact of the Bank, You are to contact them immediately:
Name of the Bank: HSBC Bank London UK.
Foreign Remittance Department (HSBC Bank London UK)
Tel: +447031902893
You are advise to contact the Bank immediately with the information below:
FULL NAME......................
ADDRESS: ......................
TELEPHONE AND FAX..............
YOUR OCCUPATION................
YOUR AGE.......................
Finally you are advise to comply to the rules of the bank to ensure a fast transfer of the said fund to you so that together we can all say,
[Yes We Can].
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs.Mary Jones.
For Secretary-General
United Nation/World Bank Organization