How is the NHS supposed to afford the equipment to have people monitor their own BP at home?
I agree with the idea in principle but it is a cost they cannot really afford.
could not agree more squad, from personal experience im really pleased this is finally being addressed,im sure there are many people out there taking medication they really don`t need .
ah but that sqad, is telling people to take charge of their own lives and do something for themselves - many just want to be told what to do and then have some one else do it for them.
Yep, sensible idea.
Mind you, judging by commentary that people in general struggle on a daily basis with the technology of video recorders, microwaves etc, I now have visions of artificially high blood pressure readings induced by "technology anxiety" :)
I have High blood pressure and I am on medication for it, my BP is always lower when I take it at home. we have three BP monitors at home and I keep a record of my BP for a week or two before going to the GP.
My BP meds work a treat for me (when I remember to take them)