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Where have all the intersetssing people and topics gone?

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Rapunzel61 | 16:20 Thu 25th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Seems it's either crosswords, religion, some lavatorial news item, (yesterday a guy got a air hose stuck up his backside or somesuch, that story carried on today, and then to top it off, some woman on here said she needed to go to to the toilet....


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welcome back sara, I hope you had a lovely time xx
Probably either just wanting a reaction, or maybe too embarrassed about the typo.
thanks cazzz, it was fab xx

just eating my weight in chocolate hobnobs as I have nothing else in :o)
Hands up all those who like frozen peas ( don't you find that they hurt your leg).

I like that sort of fine dining ;)
can we have some, pleeese

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