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TWR | 17:41 Sat 20th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I take it that there are people from other parts of the world members of this site, what are your views on the posts that you read on here? are they interesting, cr@p, helpfull.


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All three.
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cr@p as you put it
Don't mind, as long as their questions are clear and intelligible. Which part of the world are you from?
All three
All three and more at times.
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^^ How would that work Bill?

Just take things as you find them. If you don't understand then move on.

Some people are better at written English than others; for some its not their first language, others are doing their best from a mobile phone but on a weekend evening many are simply drunk.
Due to my Dyslexia im sure most of the stuff I write is difficult to understand at times as I have a major problem getting my thoughts in writing and my punctuation is horrendous, thankfully my spell checker helps with the spelling.

I don't really think I would want to run all my posts past another AB member for correction prior to posting.
Bill, that wouldn't be manageable, there are only the Eds - and most of us manage to make sense of posts from people whose English isn't so good. To be honest, the ones I have trouble with are not people from other parts of the world, but the people who post in text-speak or abbreviations or some other code - sooo difficult to decipher!
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Keep talking to your cat Bill, It does help!
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