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morning 1 and all im off to goodwood today and here is what i will be backing..

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stokemaveric | 08:30 Sun 28th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
quasi congaree..14.10
choral festival..14.45
ellie in the pink..15.55
loch fleet..16.30
seamus shindig..17.05..hope you all have a good day..


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Nice to see you & Best of Luck!
Morning Stokey and Mrs Stokey

Be Lucky..:-)))
Question Author
morning msevp,and good morning to you bobbi im driving down there and mrsm is driving back so i can have a bit of amber nectar while i am there..[im not as daft as i look lol]...hope you both have a great sunday xx
we are off to have Sunday Lunch with my brother, sister in law, sister and brother in law...
one of those family' things' that happen periodically ..:-)
In that case, I shall go to my bookmaker man today, and back them too.

Have a fab day, Stokey.
How I envy you. Have a great day and be lucky.

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morning 1 and all im off to goodwood today and here is what i will be backing..

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