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ST 4448

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Misstoddler | 10:39 Sun 28th Aug 2011 | Crosswords
10 Answers
25A He drove fast to get small girl back (5) s.n.a

I'm assuming it's "santa" but why? At least this is my last one, I've really struggled today with this one!


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SENNA, as in Ayrton...

Anne s <
Question Author
Thank you MarkRae. I have just googled him. Would never have got that in a million years!!! (It's a girl thing!)
Unfortunately, it could also be Simone SANNA, Grand Prix motorcycle road racer...
It could, but it's not...
You sound as though you have inside knowledge, MarkRae!
You drive a car, you ride a bike!
Aha! (I have never submitted online!).
It's got to be Senna (s=small anne (backwards) = senna

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ST 4448

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