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The weather.

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TWR | 16:26 Sun 28th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Does this weather really pizzz you off, been putting up CCTV after an incident with next doors car been damaged, after a lot of cursing managed to get the job done. " Bloody Weather"


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yes. I have had my washing out and in 3 times today already and have now given up and bunged it in the tumble. Beautiful sunshine followed by belting rain a few moments later is not funny!
never mind could be worse TWR...
as long as we have our health then it can do what it likes :-)
The weather here in wildest Yorkshire has been quite nice today, TWR. You should have installed your CCTV up here, and then you could have come with Mrs. BB and me to a nice pub!
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That is the most important Bobbi, what has the weather been like up the N.East? what's your area Bednobs?
Yes, as you don't know what to wear or take with you, a coat, or no coat,
t shirt, or warm jumper, perhaps sandals, or wellies, the trusty brolly, and then of course the perennial question who carries it all, oh pizzzz
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The neighbours car had a large stone put through the back window a week ago BB, it was lucky for her that she drove the car into her drive otherwise it would have been a new bonnet,
not too bad really TWR, very cool with a brisk NW wind blowing, bright enough though :-)
Cool,breezy and sunny down here in Plymouth. No complaints.
i am home counties area
Very changeable here - sun at the moment, but big grey clouds too.
Lovely in Torbay. Bit brezzy, but just had a nice glass of white in the garden.
Very wet and grey up north
How about a new Olympic sport - running out to get the washing before the rain does?
annem we would win gold every time
blooming horrid on the Isle of Wight, ...took the boat to the slipway , the sun was shining, then the rain came and we took the boat home again ...... didn't even get the blooming thing in the water too choppy ! .not very nice today, hopefully tomorrow will be sunny .
I live in Manchester, I love my tumble dryer :)

Been wet on and off all day here today and yesterday. Hoping it picks up tomorrow as Jenson Button is in town.

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