Neighbours in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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mrsweasley | 18:41 Wed 24th Aug 2011 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers
Sorry if this has been asked before-meant to ask it last week,and forgot.Just remembered again-getting old LOL The actress playing the young girl looks VERY much like Toby Mangel, 10+ years ago, just caught it when channel hopping, is she his daughter or younger sister/half sister? I haven't watched it since sky mangel left, and she was half sister in real life to Jason Donavan, so like Corrie, they occasionally have relatives in it.
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Which young girl do you mean?Also, Toby Mangel was played by 2 different actors, Ben Geurens and Finn Greentree Keane. I think the youngest girl in Neighbours is Sophie Ramsay played by Kaiya Jones.
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Thanks. It was Ben i meant, and it is Kaiya-just googled her also,thought she was double of Ben-sorry late reply,was away weekend

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