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Polar Bear: Inside Nature’s Giants Advert Song Question Title Here

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Brian3000 | 23:07 Mon 15th Aug 2011 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
Can anyone tell me the name of the song in the advert for Polar Bear: Inside Nature’s Giants shown on Channel 4?



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Eton Trifles, by The Jam
Question Author
No, it's definitely not The Jam. It's an instrumental song I think. It's used in a lot of Cutting Edge Channel 4 documentary trailers.
I hope carmalee doesn't see your joke, Elvis68.

Have you got a youtube tube clip of the trailer, Brian3000?
Feeder- Buck rodgers
This one?
Question Author
No, it's not that. It's not a rock song. Sounds more similar to Massive Attack and I couldn't find a trailer for it. But thanks anyway.
Okay. Sorry- it seems the Feeder bit was another ad at the start of the documentary clip I found on you tube.
Is the music on this extract- towards the end?
Question Author
Nope, that's not it either. But thanks.
Have looked on YouTube to see if the trailer is possibly on there but no luck I'm afraid.
If you can find a link to it I'm sure one of us will be able to help you out.
Hi, I wrote the music for the trailer for Inside Nature's Giants (Camels), which is similar to the Massive Attack/Rock description you gave and I am currently looking to see if any of my tracks were used on the others as well. Do you have a copy or clip of the ad at all?
Question Author
No I don't have a copy of the clip but I think we might be talking about two different songs because this song has been in the charts and has been used in all different kinds of trailers.
Ah, fair enough. Thanks for responding.

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