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TWR | 18:41 Fri 02nd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Why are these so-called Pedo sites, Suicide sites allowed to & continue on the Web? surely these can be stopped or even taken off the site completely.


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Hi TWR, hope your'e well
I often wonder about this too, similarly with the Terrorist sites
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And probably because its frighteningly easy and quick to set these sites up, so as quickly as they're found- they're put back up again by the site owners.
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Hi Boobie, I know what I would do with Pedosm Monkeys eat them But i would remove the, x
I've also wonder that as well TWR, What sick mind would set up a website and post such sickening images. Surly there should be some way of tracking where they are coming from, such as IP address and catch the scum.
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No I did not read your reply as I went off to do something else,
I watch the News regularly, in fact I watch it every day and that's how I can contribute in the News section, and I hardly ever bother to 'revisit' old threads that I post on, unless I have a contribution
they hide them and disguise them and use passwords that is why the police have trouble finding them
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I understand your reply Redhelen, but I would have thought Web watchdogs must be aware in whatever way these dirty basds try to put on / start a site with this sort of perversion should put a stop to it from the start, Eg/ this site, someone that comes up with filth the question/subject will be removed pronto.
I feel quite sure that there are many people working around the clock to trace such sites, and deal with those involved.
Is there much filth on this site? Can't say I've noticed it.
You do realise the Internet is worldwide don't you? and not all countries have the same laws as we do. if any site is based in a country that doesn't have laws that prohibit the content of the site then there nothing that can be done even if it might break the law in this country.
I actually think by far the biggest offender is file sharing sites. Never mind the illegal sharing of music and films that those who lose money moan about, they provide easy access for this sort of thing.
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Dont pick at straws Sandy.

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