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is that woman who is in the final 2 the tv show red or black...

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stokemaveric | 20:34 Sat 03rd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
drunk,drugged up or both???


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she was in Big Brother a few years back.. weird woman!
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id 2nd that sara.........
I hope she doesn't win. there's nothing to like about her.
Freaky Russian boxer was weird on BB as well, hope she doesn`t win.

Dya reckon they`ll agree to split the winnings, I mean, £500k each aint bad is it?
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well i hope she doesnt win either then if that is the general feeling lol...
the audience are not with her..
wooooooooooo :o)
Bet the producers are going nuts backstage shouting "Who turned the fecking magnet off to early!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Love watching people win!!
i recognised that womans face,she is in a lot of game shows.

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is that woman who is in the final 2 the tv show red or black...

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