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cheeky cheeky!!

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pa___ul3 | 11:24 Fri 02nd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Afternoon all, I wasn't going to because I think it's a bit cheeky but it's all a bit bigger than my modesty so I'll have a go anyway.
As some of you know I'm running the Liverpool Marathon on October 9th and I'm hoping to raise a few bob for Cancer Research UK.
As per my mail a couple of days ago, the cause stepped a little closer to home for me when my 88 year old Grandad was sent for a full body scan after they discovered what they thought to be a tumour in his bowel meaning he can't now join me in the Marathon (although the way he's going I still wouldn't put it past him, he ran 17 miles yesterday!), he's due for his results tomorrow so fingers crossed we're all good, and thanks again for all the kind words on that Fast Eddie thread!

I've already had a couple of donations from my AB buddies so a massive thanks to Mamyalynne and TTFN. If anyone else would like to make a donation and help this excellent cause please visit my just giving link below.
Cheers y'all!!

Ed - apologies if I'm being naughty doing this but I had to try my hand! ;)


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Please Miss - is it a cream eclair, Miss?
Don't bring that into the fray again, am still sulking.
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thanks very much for your donations redhelen, lie-in- king and euphemia, the total is flying up thanks to you guys!!
The news has been delayed, my Grandad's scan is now Wednesday so a few more days of crossed fingers.
17 mile training run tomorrow night, this kind of backing is a massive motivation so cheers!!

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cheeky cheeky!!

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