Enormous amounts of money can be saved from government expenditure without adversely affecting services at all. You don’t even have to consider jobs to make considerable savings. There is huge scope in procurement, especially in defence and IT, to save vast sums where goods and services are paid for at well over the going rate.
When jobs are considered, as I have said before, the number of “non-jobs” being financed by the taxpayer mushroomed beyond belief under the previous administration and these continue to be advertised. They are unnecessary, produce or provide little or nothing of any value, nobody suffers if they are not done and nobody would notice if they were stopped tomorrow (or better still, today). Once again, a few examples:
London Borough of Lewisham – Political Assistant (£30,840 - £34,986). “A full time political assistant is needed to provide the Council’s 12 strong Liberal Democrat Group of Councillors with invaluable administrative, policy and political support....”
Olympic Park Legacy Company – Planning and Sustainability Manager ((£49,425 + Benefits). “Reporting to the Director of Planning and Sustainability, you will work in partnership with a diverse range of key stakeholders and other interested parties, to help ensure that the Planning & Sustainability programmes and projects are effectively managed and contribute to delivering a strong legacy for the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.“
District Transition Advisor – Stabilisation Unit [whoever they might be] (£70,000). “As the forward outreach of the Helmand Provincial Reconstruction Team you will be responsible for advising District officials, ensuring that district level activity is coordinated across all actors and supports the aims of Transition... [continued for another 94 pages]
Director of Change – House of Commons (from £58,200 + excellent benefits), “The Director of Change is a new post and will support the Management Board in achieving the significant changes required to deliver its Savings Programme and associated business improvements.”
These are just a sprinkling. And so it goes on. You can find dozens and dozens of jobs like this advertised every day. As soon as the word “cuts” is mentioned people think of nurses, police offices, firefighters and the like. But the nebulous “non-jobs” scarcely gety a mention. Who, other than the 12 Liberal Democrat members of the London Borough of Lewisham, will miss their “political assistant”, and in any case why should the taxpayer be expected to provide “political support” to a group of local councillors? It’s a scandal of epic proportions that is left unaddressed.
And in answer to the original question, the IMF should mind its own business.