Been informed by Social Services that I have been approved for a carer for half an hour a day. Starting tomorrow morning she will come in and help me put on my walking boot, that I can't put on myself, and do a little bits of housework. Why do I feel that I should tidy up tonight before she gets here? Silly isn't it she's supposed to be helping me but I feel guilty about it.
I would leave things as they are, otherwise you will spend all your time cleaning up and she will have nothing to do. (Whenever I know my friend is coming round for coffee, I always put out a new jay cloth - she must think I have got shares in the company!)
Jan..its really hard to accept help especially if you have struggled and 'coped' for a long time.... it will be difficult but if all she does is help you on with the boot and does jobs like changing the bed linen.....duvet covers are a bu66er when you can't stand it will stop you tiring yourself out so much so you can use your energy to care for your other needs.... learning to put your needs first will be strange at first women are mostly rubbish at self nurturing....
Hi Jan, good on you from what I can read into these posts, It helps your own esteem to do things for yourself, but do not be too proud to ask for help, don't forget, you have paid for it yourself so do not feel guilty. Good Luck to you.
Jan - a little bit of luxury isn't a sin - someone helping you for a short while will be brilliant - enjoy it - you can stretch it out too! - leave that cup in the sink, don't wipe out the washbasin - you won't be sent to the naughty step.
Enjoy the company too.
Think it's natural Jan!....we all feel that way when someone is coming into our home!........don't worry, your carer knows why she's coming round!...just don't worry about it, she's going to be there to help you!.......that's what she's paid to do!.....
Thanks all, I know you're right so I've been very naughty and left the washing up in the sink. We may just end up having a chat but at least it will give me someone to talk to every day.
enjoy the company jan and dont worry about the clean up - the reason folk do a pre clean up is to so as to focus the cleaner/assistance on what really matters to assist, rather than have them "distracted" by jobs that can be done in normal hours.
get a good relationship going and she/he may well ask you how they can best assist you. Just be ready for that.