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Morning All.

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moonraker558 | 06:02 Thu 08th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Up and at em' Another nice day ahead. No Welshy as I expected.


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Morning moonraker, bit dark still here at the moment,have a nice day.
'morning moonie, morning Helen`
morning from a dull capital
Morning Moonie and all,
Wet and windy morning here. Sat in Mcdonalds having a coffee and watching the world go by. Cant get in my building till much later today, so meeting up with work colleagues.
,,,,...and Brendan ans all who post before and after this reaches there...=) x
sorry BrendEn
Morning everyone. There was a report in the Holyhead and Anglesey Mail that a number of sheep have been stolen in the area recently. MOONIE - BRING THEM BACK or I tell the cops!!!
morning Welshy..he was here...he was asking about you =)
The coward has bu33ered off and i'm afraid I have to as well. Have a good day y'all and may your god go with you.
have a good day Welshy...and that goes to all who have not surfaced yet x
morning all...its dry out with lots of munching rabbits
morning all from a wet droylsden
hi moonie n all
rain starting off in Norn Iron
awww poor David Walliams is sick with Thames tum'. I'll have to eat the cake I baked for him :)!/search/thames%20swim
belated Good Morning
morning and overcast here and I have a week end away with rain expected....oh well it will be better than working
omg - Walliams has dived in & off again; its 13c in Thames !

He's one brave determined bloke.
morning all. quite warm but dull and overcast again, so it looks like another case of wait and see what comes.
Morning all, better late than never. Very grey day here in Hastings.

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