Maybe a strange Qs, Put your self in Presidents Bush's place, he was in that school listening to the children reading when one of his aids came in & whispered in his era what had happened, his thoughts were not to panic as the children was reading, apart from what had happened, what, if you were the president would action would you have taken against the Terrorists after finding out who & where they where they where from?
I stand by my opinion. I wasn't aware he knew something had already happened before he went in and on that basis I believe he should not have gone to the school at all. He was a president for christ sake, not a bloody babysitter.
EB, if you read the link i provided, it gives testimony from the children, as they are now, adults. Think if it had been our PM, and he only had a sketchy bit of infomation as to a hijack of a plane, would he have stopped what he was doing, talking at a conference, to children in a school, no, not until the matter was fully confirmed.
What did he know beforehand, though? That planes had been hijacked? By terrorists? Surely if he knew this, he wouldn't have gone into a school to sit with a bunch of kids and read bloody books?!
And don't mention phony Tony...
I did read it and my opinion still hasn't changed.
Even if he had no idea the plane had been hijacked and thought it was an innocent accident, that would still have meant hundreds of his citizens would have undoubtly just died.
well none of us were there, nor can we second guess what was going on in his mind, only the testimony of those at the scene, the children in the classroom, the teachers and those involved with Bush, believed he did the right thing.