Would say September 2014 not be the absolutely prefect timing for this referendum given the significance of the anniversary in June of that year.
Think of the positive vibes which will be whirling round.
Marvellous opportunity to get the right result.
I think Scotland should be granted full independence, but what happen to all the Scottish mps sitting in our parliament and who knows Gordon Brown as first minister
Danny Alexander (one of your MPs Scotland), Scotland to be a 3rd World country and bankrupt by 2030 - quote earlier this week or was it last week...?
I am all in favour of it, given a clean break in all the subsidies from the rest of us, i.e. Scotland to stand on its two feet, excpet may be some cooperation on frontier control and cross-border policing matters.
You might be right ELVIS, paddy's comment refers to the beginning of one of the most despicable periods in English history.
But we are focussing on the future possibilities, nae probability of Scotland regaining her nationhood.
The tories would love the scots to separate from England wales and NI. If the present scottish MPs ( I understand only one of them is a tory) had to withdraw from Westminster, the Labour Party would never again be able to get a majority in the London Parliament. They'd be finished.
Imagine all the scots who'd have to go home and get passports and work permits if they wanted to come back. And the English could stop subsidising the scots and save money. And never mind North Sea Oil - the scots could keep what little is left. And the midges, too.
atalanta, what a pathetically negative view you have.
Who has convinced you that you subsidise the Scots.
Unfortunately for yourselves the Labour party would be **gg***d.
The concept of social equality does not reside in the leafy suburbs in SE Englandshire.