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Stayahead | 20:11 Fri 09th Sep 2011 | Riddles
11 Answers
1 Say my name and I disappear. What am I?

2 what is it that after you take away the whole, some still remains.?

3 What makes a loud noise when changing its jacket and becomes larger but weighs less ?

4 What lives in a corner but travels the world?

5 I hide but my head is outside. What am I?

6 I wear a red robe and have a stone in my throat. What am?

7 What stands on one leg and has its heart in its head?

8 What does this represent?



Thanks for any help.


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1 Silence
1 -Silence
4 stamp
2 - wholesome
3 - popcorn
8 Standing on top of the World
7. Lettuce or cabbage
6. cherry
5. Turtle
5. Turtle ?
5. Sorry - - - - - a nail
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