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sherrardk | 21:41 Sat 10th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Need an indoor place to visit tomorrow (as no doubt it will be peeing it down again). Don't fancy swimming (again). Needs to be with an hour and a half (two hours for something mega) of Hereford. (Desperate for an idea or it will be the bloody RAF museum again.) Thanks.


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Hi Khandro - some people could get upset in an empty room. My children are lovely and well behaved but they are children and act accordingly, some people just have pre-conceived ideas about the 'sort' of family we are because of the childrens ages and how many of them there are. I wouldn't take young children inside a national trust property as it is not really the place for them (as it is boring for them). Neither myself, my husband or our children are losing out. Sorry if I sound a bit harsh but you would be amazed by the broccoli some people come out with/the way you are treted because you have a large family. I am perfectly aware of what goes through some peoples minds. (Ps - when I post questions like this I tend to get replies from people who already know about the kids, etc.)
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Hi Flip - husband is on the case!
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Hi Doc - I have five children (hence the avatar). They are 11, 7, 5 and 2 x 3 year olds (always try to avoid the word twins).
I was just going to say that, in my opinion, it's mainly suited to children who understand what it's all about (I know that doesn't make sense, but I know what I mean)
I took my two children and the eldest (he was 8 at the time) absolutely loved it, but the youngest (who was nearly three) got a bit fed up during the "educational" parts. There's a little ride that they will enjoy and you do get a few samples.
In all honesty, I don't think I'd go again as I was a little bit disappointed. I was expecting Charlie And The Chocolate Factory! lol!
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Hi Flip, think I am going to be more disappointed than they are (so imagining Willy Wonka, etc). The three eldest will be into it all and the little ones just like being out and about. Should be ok can't be as bad as Wookey Hole!
Wookey Hole? Lol! Trust me, it's ten times better than that place! :))
The kids will enjoy it. Have fun!
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Hi Flip - had a big spat with Wookey Hole, even got their website changed because it was so rubbish and they were so rude. Sitting in my living room is better than Wookey Hole!
If you forget Willie Wonka you will enjoy it, have fun.
I wonder why people assume large families equal chaos ?
Any large family I know, including my neighbour[seven children] are polite and well behaved, I've found it's the single child that usually create problems.
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Hi Vulcan - I'm sure it will be great, it's just nice all going out together. Personally, I think I am more aware of the childrens behaviour because there are five of them and I know they attract attention from others (and because they are obviously so gorgeous!). (I also think that a lot of people assume you are scum of some kind, living on hand outs, dragging your kids up whilst flitting from one 'dad' to the next - have considered getting a t-shirt saying 'yup, all planned and all have the same dad'.)
Hi Sher, love the t-shirt idea, must get one for daughter, she has 14, 12,9, and 2x5's. Kids all have their moments but yours sound lovely. Why do you always get someone who has to post such nasty things, do they do it deliberately to wind up? Certainly not deserved.
BTW weather permitting we are going to Ludlow Food Festival.
I wish that I was close enough to go to Ludlow Food Festival, Carandrog. The website makes it sound quite good. (I suppose that I could drive there from Suffolk - after all, I went to Bordeaux just for the day on Wednesday! - but the fuel costs would probably be rather too high to justify it)
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If the kids were older I would love to go to a food festival, but a bit dull for them. Shame, as Ludlow is so near (I think - geography is not my strong point).
I thought that the "circus skills" bit might possibly have appealed to your youngsters, Sherrardk?
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Hi Buenchico - I have had a huge row with Wookey Hole. Even got some of their Trip Advisor reviews pulled and the ASA made them change their website. It is outrageously expensive, tacky and rubbish. The people you communicate with are unprofessional and take everything personally. I specifically didn't want to see the circus skill show when I saw that it was performed by 'local school children' - might be brilliant, but I have seen enough school performances to know that I would rather stick wasps up my arse than watch that.
As I read it, the one at the Ludlow Food Festival is a 'try your hand at it' type of thing, rather than watching someone else.

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