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Download speed using a dongle

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rov1100 | 17:57 Sat 10th Sep 2011 | How it Works
5 Answers
When I had one a couple of years ago all I managed to get was about 0.5Mb/sec although the advert said you could get 5Mb or more.

Has the situation changed?


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Not necessarily, and it depends where you are. I can get more down quickly here at home that I can when I have to use it out and about.
depends on coverage and your supplier and the amount of users at any one time. I'm using one right now with a potential 7.2mbps but achieving 2.5 right now
just retested
ok that didn't work... 3.87mbps download
As said, depends on coverage. When the blue light is on mine it is fairly quick, but when the green light is on it is slow and no good for streaming videos &c. I get a much poorer reception downstairs than upstairs. I've just noticed that the light has turned green, so it may be a while before you read this - hang on it's just gone blue again.

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Download speed using a dongle

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