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motor oil

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top_driver | 18:14 Sun 11th Sep 2011 | Motoring
8 Answers
hi, i was just curious to know, i put some 5w40 into my car, it is the recommended for it, but, i am not sure if the owners before put in the same or put in the cheaper 10w40, what would it do having about a ltr of the 5w4 out of 6.5 of other, would it do any harm, or?


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Not on a BMW E36 323 you won't, no.
Many, incl GSF parts would probably supply you with 10w40 for that engine anyway.
Question Author
its an e46 323, or would it be the same as an e36
Oops .. sorry .. yes .. similar engine.

BMW are 'keen' that 5w40 is used .. although on higher mileages (ie over 100K miles, one would use a 10w40)
You certainly will not do any harm topping up with some 10w40, but if you are below 100K miles, I would stick to 5w40 and get it from GSF Parts or the like.
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im just worried because i might have the two grades mixed, but i am looking to get an oil change, yes the car is over the 100k mark
Then I would personally stick to 10w40 from GSF or BMW.
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ok, i dont know who gsf are, but i will be getting an oil change anyway, and using engine flush to clear any sludge
If I were you .. and the engine is otherwise fine .. I would skip the flush!
It can do more harm than good with stuff migrating around the engine.

Just change oil and filter every 10K miles max.
Question Author
ok, it just i already have flush from the last car i didn't get to use it on, what could it do

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