As you all know there are 1,001 ways to supposedly lose weight out there in the big wide world, but none as quite as extreme as the one mentioned in Brain Aldiss's short story "Supertoys last all summer long". Those who have read this book will have heard of the Crosswell Tapeworm, which is purposefully ingested by humans to aid weight loss by 50%, without any harm to the host.
I have looked online for this creature only to find it is purely fictional (accoring to Google). Can any of you ABers let me know where I can find a Crosswell Tapeworm, or any other kind, or are they all banned by international law?
@Boo: Guess what! All sorts of things are living inside everyone's body. Some more than others. It's estimated that more than half of the world's population is already host to Toxoplasma Gondii, for example. Eewwww!