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Good Morning All.

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moonraker558 | 04:47 Mon 12th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
And if you havn't stuck your head out of your door, I wouldn't if I were you. Winter is fast approaching and if you are on holiday this week.....unlucky. As for me I will shortly be off home to my bed so no miserable rush hour traffic for me. I hope you all have a nice day, unless you are a confused Yorkshire man living in North Wales...wherever that is.


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morning all - want the newspaper but it blowing a hooley here! decisions, decisions!
Morning all, it's wet and howling out there this morning, electricity just came back on..hope it lasts...(the power I mean)....=)
Morning all, Not to bad here at the moment, but I've decided to wear a baseball cap when I go out instead of my usual fedora in case that wind they keep warning about arrives

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