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sports gamer and pastimes

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barbaraP1962 | 21:36 Mon 12th Sep 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
q1 floor covering is close
q2 pronounce fish
q3 animal in a bin
q4 reverse joint of pork
q5 right in highland village,id mixed cereal
q6 stick close to cyprus


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4 Backgammon
1 Rug by
2 sailing(say-ling)
3 b-ox-ing?
6 Cy-cling
In q5 is ID supposed to be IN or perhaps AND. If the word for a highland village was ach the answer could be archery but think ach means field so it's back to the drawing board. Then I thought of Tain with an r in it might be part of the answer.

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