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TWR | 14:13 Tue 13th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Can anyone explain how Jet2 can offer 22kgs & the others cannot?


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must be the work ethics of individual airlines TWR, some only offer 15kg
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Like us all Bobbi, I've travelled but I think these Airlines are taking the pizzz out of people, the way things are going they will be asking you to bring your own bog roll next, ( Now! thats a thought for Ryan Air) & what the hell does that mean Trigg? USP.
unique selling point
Unique selling point...
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Never heard that one, Thank you both.
Yes have just booked a flight with Ryanair (hate the man, don't want to support him or line his pockets but he is the cheapest unfortunately) but now realised it isn't going to be cheaper as I will have to buy new hand luggage as mine is too big!!!! one dimension has to be 20cm 8" - I ask you!!! GRRRR!!!!
o yes AND the hold luggage is only 15kg costing £26 each way for one bag - what a rip off ............
Perhaps Jet2 only takes thin passengers, to compensate for the extra luggage weight :-)
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We have talked about person & their weight before Boxy! Can you remember the result?
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It may be the one? the post I put in was deleted by the Ed, I did not imply any bad comments but it was removed??? Whatever.

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