I think the problem is not that your current cat is naughty but that you got used to an unusually good one with your previous cat and that she set the 'bench mark' for what you expect your other cats to be like. I think your previous cat was unusually well behaved, but then she was a Persian and we had Persians who werelikewise quiet, well bahved and generally great tempered things. My mogs now on the other hand are right bundles of monstrous fluff who keep me well and truly in my place to some great extent and any one of em would swipe your dinner when not looking, so I think it's fairly normal cat behaviour you are describing and not a particularly naughty cat. I wouldn't personally give up an animal but if you really can't bond with her then it might be worth asking around people you know who might really like her in fairness to you both, or persevere, cats are clever and trainable but still very much their own person.