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Davethedog | 10:11 Tue 13th Sep 2011 | News
25 Answers
How does that work. The population is increasing but we get less representation.


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The representation in the US seems small in comparison with ours, but of course each state has its own congress and senate who have much more power than our local authorities, which is why murderers may be executed in Texas but not in Massachussets.
Pretty much as if they were seperate countries in some kind of union.
That's it exactly. The UK is partially down that road with devolution, unfortunately the love affair with the EU seems to predominate all else.
At presnt some English constituences have over 90k electors whilst other have about 50k. In Wales Arfon ( wherever that is ) has only 41k. so some redrawing is needed.
best solved by moving 50,000 Englishmen to Arfon and helping reduce overpopulation pressures.

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